Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gravity defying carrots !!

A ha !! I can grow carrots after all ! Call it egotism, call it swagger, even call it vaunting. But here I am shamelessly showing off my carrots after my pride was badly injured as a consequence to the previous post. These lads were swiftly dispatched to the dinner plate accompanied by an unsuspecting chicken ( dead of course ! ) Duke of york potatoes and shallots ( which I still maintain give me excessive wind ! ) However regardless of the smell the taste is second to none .... the shallots that is. The smell of the wind .... not so good and thankfully I haven't been unfortunate enough to be caught in a back draft so therefore have yet to do the taste test !!

Now I won't be boastful and say I'm becoming green fingered but LOOK !!


  1. Congratulations, all near perfection and sod the EU! I love the new header photo.

  2. Thank you Peggy, all completly organic those lambs mmmmmmmmmh !! September beckons.

  3. Why am I thinking : motor bike?
    It was the laughing I had to do reading some of these posts. Reminded me of a link I lost a while back.

  4. Thanks for the comment Jo ....... Why are you thinking motorbike ?

  5. Those are proper carrots. I must say, mine have been slightly slim thus far. In fact, I'm thinking of going for a late second sowing. I read somewhere that its possible, so I'll probably bollocks it up!

  6. Thank you I.G.

    I would heartily recommend you try " Autumn king " for the late sowing. A truly magnificent appendage !!


Go on you're here now you might as well get it off your chest !!