Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Dukes are coming to dinner.

There's something rewarding about growing your own potatoes, something that can't quite be explained. Maybe it's an inherently Irish thing to want to grow your own spuds, can it be traced back to famine times ? Maybe there's part of our psyche that doesn't want to get caught out again !! For me it's a family tradition there has been generations of families fed by this patch of earth and now mine are carrying on that tradition. But enough sentimentality ...... What about the spuds ?

A Queens blossom or a blossom fit for a Queen.

This is the crop in early June with the maincrop on the left and the earlies above on the right.

One month later and the Golden Wonders in the foreground are showing a lovely blossom.

This is it the moment of truth, ready for the lift, all that hard work .....

Alleluia...... A fantastic bounty the Duke of York are absolute beauties.

Oh and as for the taste, I do not have the words to describe. But I'm one damn happy potato head with this crop. I just hope the rest are equally as good.

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Go on you're here now you might as well get it off your chest !!