Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blue skies and apple blossoms.

I find it difficult to walk past this tree every day without pausing to appreciate it's true beauty and indeed the wonderment of mother nature herself. Every time the wife looks out the kitchen window I seem to be in the same spot, staring upwards with a look on my face reminiscent of a guy who has just seen his first pair of boobs ! It's no wonder I get so little done around the place.

For those interested the tree is called " John Downie " It's a flowering crab. And for the record the fruits are not too bad to taste, I must experiment with making some crab apple jam ..... sometime in the next few decades. I had found a use for the fruit which I thought was pure genius .... playing fetch with my trusty German Shepherd. However it all came to a messy end when the dog developed quite the affinity for these little apples and his binges would end in a lengthy dose of the scutters !! The shovel was always handed to me. I wasn't quite sure was it to clean up the pooh or bury the damn dog ! Anyway, long story short he still lives and so does the tree but just you wait until September .......


  1. The raised bed is a very professional looking job, mine are just put in place on the plot and tacked together with whatever is handy.My sympathy is with your wife re the crab apple episodes, I would use the shovel for something other than cleaning or burying the dog!!

  2. Now would you be using the shovel for something constructive or destructive ??? As regards the beds I suppose I get a bit pedantic when it comes to timberwork. But sure where's the harm in that !!


Go on you're here now you might as well get it off your chest !!